View Source Mobilizon.Events.Event (Mobilizon v4.1.0-alpha.1)

Represents an event.



Checks whether an event can be managed.

Whether we can show the event. Returns false if the organizer actor or group is suspended


@type t() :: %Mobilizon.Events.Event{
  __meta__: term(),
  attributed_to: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.t() | nil,
  attributed_to_id: term(),
  begins_on: DateTime.t(),
  category: String.t(),
  comments: term(),
  contacts: [Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.t()],
  conversations: term(),
  description: String.t(),
  draft: boolean(),
  ends_on: DateTime.t(),
  external_participation_url: String.t(),
  id: integer(),
  inserted_at: term(),
  join_options: atom(),
  language: String.t(),
  local: boolean(),
  media: [Mobilizon.Medias.Media.t()],
  mentions: [Mobilizon.Mention.t()],
  metadata: [Mobilizon.Events.EventMetadata.t()],
  online_address: String.t() | nil,
  options: Mobilizon.Events.EventOptions.t(),
  organizer_actor: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.t(),
  organizer_actor_id: term(),
  participant_stats: term(),
  participants: [Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.t()],
  phone_address: String.t(),
  physical_address: Mobilizon.Addresses.Address.t() | nil,
  physical_address_id: term(),
  picture: Mobilizon.Medias.Media.t() | nil,
  picture_id: term(),
  publish_at: DateTime.t() | nil,
  sessions: [Mobilizon.Events.Session.t()],
  slug: String.t(),
  status: atom(),
  tags: [Mobilizon.Events.Tag.t()],
  title: String.t(),
  tracks: [Mobilizon.Events.Track.t()],
  updated_at: term(),
  url: String.t(),
  uuid: Ecto.UUID.t(),
  visibility: atom()


Link to this function

can_be_managed_by?(event, actor_id)

View Source
@spec can_be_managed_by?(t(), integer() | String.t()) :: boolean()

Checks whether an event can be managed.

@spec show?(t()) :: boolean()

Whether we can show the event. Returns false if the organizer actor or group is suspended