
Markdown formatting (level 2 title)

Typography (level 3 title)

This is a text paragraph.
And there is a line break with the tag <br />

Here are some words in italic, in bold, barred as well as a piece of code and a link to Framasoft.

Here is a raw link

And a variable internal to the vue template ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️.


  • One item
  • Another item
  • And yet another item!
  1. And of a
  2. And two of them
  3. And from two three



There is a benefit in learning something new, Nasreddin thought to himself.
He’s going to find a music master:
“I want to learn to play the lute. How much will it cost me?
— For the first month, three silver coins. Then, one silver coin per month.
— Perfect! I will start the second month.”

Code block

console.log('Hello world');
console.log('Hello world'); // class="language-javascript" but no syntax
highlighting without plugin



Column1 Column2 Column3
😁 😂 😋
🤗 😢 😭
😡 ✌️ 👂

Relative content (from example.yml)

Info message

Level 4 title

Level 5 title
Level 6 title


Framalibre Framablog Info